
Nordsjøprogrammet – oversikt over prosjektideer

I Nordsjøprogrammet er det nå åpnet for å sende inn prosjektideer/skisser.
HER finner du en oversikt over de prosjektideene som er sendt inn til sekretariatet for Nordsjøprogrammet.

I beskrivelsen er det kontaktinformasjon til leadpartner for prosjektet. I Nordsjøprogrammet vil det for den nye programperioden (2014-2020) være en såkalt 2-stegs søknadsprosedyre. Det vil si at prosjektene leverer en ideskisse, slik vedlagte link viser, med påbegynte tanker om prosjekt og samarbeidspartnere. De skissene som blir godkjent av programmet går videre til full søknad i andre runde.  Første ordinære søknadsfrist i programmet er den 30. juli 2015.

Her er eksempel på prosjekter som kan være interessante for vår region:

  • VB FOOD AND ICT. Formålet er å “Create growth and make the North Sea Region more attractive to both internal and external stakeholders of the Food & ICT Cluster”.
  • VB From Field to Fork to Field (F4)  Food should be tasty and healthy. In addition, it should offer extra value, to the region as well as to the regional food producers, processors, retailers, caterers and consumers. The vast majority of Europeans depend on supply chains to bring food to their tables.
  • VB Futufish. FUTU-fish aims to foster the application of technical and sustainable methods to save energy in maritime and seafood clusters around the North Sea. The project is seeking partners to cooperate, share and develop innovative activities to lower the carbon footprint while boasting regional economies.
  • VB Project Idea Golden Corridors:  FUTU-fish aims to foster the application of technical and sustainable methods to save energy in maritime and seafood clusters around the North Sea. The project is seeking partners to cooperate, share and develop innovative activities to lower the carbon footprint while boasting regional economies. Central Aim: To foster the application of technical and sustainable methods to save energy in maritime and seafood clusters around the North Sea in the themes: innovation & green economy (1), fisheries (2), LNG & energy (3) and seafood (4).
  • VB Project Idea Golden Corridors Golden Corridors is a project idea which aims to bring together 8-10 ports and hinterland corridors in different EU countries bordering the North Sea. Partners will have shared and complementary interests, based on trading activities, logistical challenges and comparable geographical locations.
  • VB Healthy Ageing.  In rural regions dominated by ageing populations there is an urgency for improving healthy lifestyle and new care concepts to facilitate a prolonged working life and/or the prevention from (early) care.
  • VB Innovative Solutions for Maintenance of Offshore Wind. Central aim: To achieve the goal of generating sustainable energy there is global investment into wind energy.
  • VB Project Idea: Communication of traceability and sustainability in North Sea region fisheries. Central Aim:  The ultimate goal is to obtain one standardized system for the North Sea region to score, visualize and communicate the traceability and sustainability of landed fish in the fish auctions.
  • DUAL Ports. Regional entrepreneurial ports need to be more creative, innovative and resource efficient, and strengthen
    their links with the regional economies in order to realise low carbon logistics and diversify their activities in order to guarantee a sustainable economic development.

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